The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Medicaid Waiver is a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program, administered by the New York State Department of Health (DOH) through contractual agreements with Regional Resource Development Centers (RRDC) and Quality Management Specialists (QMS). The RRDC employs the Regional Resource Development Specialist (RRDS) and Nurse Evaluator (NE), who serve specific counties throughout the State (refer to Section XIII). The NHTD waiver uses Medicaid funding to provide supports and services to assist individuals with disabilities and seniors toward successful inclusion in the community. Waiver participants may come from a nursing facility or other institution (transition), or choose to participate in the waiver to prevent institutionalization (diversion). Waiver services may be considered when informal supports, local, State and federally funded services and Medicaid State Plan services are not sufficient to assure the health and welfare of the individual in the community, or when waiver services are a more efficient use of Medicaid funds.
The HCBS/TBI waiver is administered centrally by the New York State Department of Health (DOH) and implemented through Regional Resource Development Centers (RRDC) and Specialists (RRDS) who serve to assure access to services in communities throughout the State. The waiver uses Medicaid funding to provide supports and services to assist individuals with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) toward successful inclusion in the community. Waiver participants may choose to move into the community from a nursing facility. Others may choose to participate in the waiver to prevent unnecessary institutionalization. HCBS/TBI waiver services are available to supplement informal supports; the broad array of local, State and federally funded services, as well as Medicaid State Plan services to assure the health and welfare of the individual in the community.

Service Coordination / Case Management
Our Service Coordinators/ Case Managers provide the day-to-day coordination for families and children. Duties may include reviewing clinical reports, meeting with family members and consumers to assess their strengths and needs, and together develop a plan for service. Our Service Coordinators/ Case Managers will collaborate with existing behavioral health providers, and other community and local service resources, traditional and non-traditional, to assist the family in implementing the service plan. We are fully trained in various areas such as NHTD/TBI (Nursing Home Transition and Diversion/ Traumatic Brain Injury), Medicaid Eligibility, OPWDD, and more. You have the questions we have the answers. We are trained to assist the families that we work with in all areas of need. Whether it is Food Stamp Assistance, HRA, Public Assistance, Medicaid Applications, Fair Hearing Services (as needed), Housing Assistance, or even simple guidance, we will work with you.

Independent Living Skills Trainer (ILST)
Independent Living Skills Training Services (ILST) are individually designed to improve or maintain the ability of the waiver participant to live as independently as possible in the community. ILST assists in recovering skills that have decreased as a result of onset of disability. Also, ILST will primarily be targeted to those individuals with progressive illnesses to maintain essential skills. ILST may be provided in the waiver participant’s home and in the community. This service will primarily be provided on an individual basis; only in the unique situation where the waiver participant will receive greater benefit from other than a 1:1 situation, will a group method of providing service be approved.