Thanksgiving Outreach 2015

Categories: Outreach

On 11/28/15, OTI Community Services launched its first Annual Thanksgiving Outreach for the homeless shelters in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Long Island. As a team we were able to package a total of 300 goodie bags filled with various snacks and drinks to show our love to the community. Within these bags were items such as:

Nutragrain bars
Variety of chips
OTI customized notebook w/ pen
OTI Customized tote bag

Our team ventured out into NYC and Long Island shelters in an effort to bring individual goodie bags to as many people we could serve. To see the smiles and appreciations from each person that received a bag brought a great sense of fulfillment within all of us that we couldn’t wait to do it again next year. As the late Maya Angelou once said: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope”. This is what OTI wants to instill in our community, that we are a team of LOVE and we care about everyone no matter their situation or circumstance.

We appreciate all that you do for our communities and can’t wait to work with you again in the future.
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OTI Annual Thanksgiving Outreach
OTI would like to thank the following sites for allowing us to distribute bags to their residents:
  • CHI (Community Housing Innovations) of Long Island

  • HWC (Help Womens Center) in Brooklyn

  • CUCS (Center for Urban Community Services) in Harlem

  • Junius Street Shelter

  • Help USA

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